Hello and, Welcome dear user~!

Date: 6/15/2024
Mood: Neutural
Music: Don'tStopBelivin'
I love Cats
Hello and, Welcome to my Neocitie. Feel free to roam around~!
(Reminder: I have not finished fixing and making everything to my liking yet.. So, just roam around as you can~!)
Hey, Hello~!

Date: 6/29/2024
Mood: Tired
Music: Today-SmashingPumpkins
I Love Cats
I haven't really been updating my NeoCities much due to how busy I've been and since I've been taking some classes. which I'm very sorry about! But, I'll be making sure to clear out my calander and to make some time for my lil' site.. Oh, and also, I'm so shocked about how this already has 500 veiws! Once again, thank you guys so much! I get it's quite little, but it still means a lot to me since in my opinion, it's honestly a lot of people for me! And, I (hopefully) won't forget to update this a little bit more every now and then. Everything on NeoCitites and stuff like coding is still al super new to me, so that's partly why I've kinda haven't been on NeoCities much.. But again, I'll possibly try to get back in the mood.
-And, I might make a little keychain website since I've been making a lot of keychains latley, I'm not excactly a hundred precent sure though.. Maybe some day~

date: 7/7/2024
Mood: Sweaty
Podcast: Unit.731
I Love Cats
So hot.. I hate summer, It's so hot and boring.. I miss waking up to a nice, cold, rainy and/or snowy day. I just want to stay in my room and hibernate until fall comes again. Anywho, I've been taking a bunch of pictures of the outside world latley so I might put them on 'Photos', once I figure out how to do that.. (I've been burning and sweating all day)

date: 7/9/2024
Mood: Sad
Music: The Ballad Of Jane-Doe
I Love Cats
Kitty had to go to the Vet today. Luckily, he's going to live a bit longer than I thought and they didn't have to put him down today which is great. But, I don't really like seeing him suffering. Hes not doing to good at all. They gave him some fluids and medication so he's able to eat more, but once again I just hate to see him this way. He keeps bumping into walls and laying in the middle of the floor, which he never does. I'm so worried.